Dear Parents,
We have been very busy since we got back from Christmas break. Your students presented their third book report, as well as completed one science project about water. A social studies project about early cultures in the Western Hemisphere is due next Wed, Feb 1. Don’t forget the science fair is Fri, Feb 3rd.
Spring conferences are coming up during the week of Feb 13-17. Forms are coming home this Friday. We are only conferencing with certain students. If you did not get an invitation for a conference, and would like to chat, please email your teacher and request one.
We have been very busy since we got back from Christmas break. Your students presented their third book report, as well as completed one science project about water. A social studies project about early cultures in the Western Hemisphere is due next Wed, Feb 1. Don’t forget the science fair is Fri, Feb 3rd.
Spring conferences are coming up during the week of Feb 13-17. Forms are coming home this Friday. We are only conferencing with certain students. If you did not get an invitation for a conference, and would like to chat, please email your teacher and request one.
Due to the influx of e-readers and electronic devices since break, we have had to evaluate how to handle these new items in school. In your child’s Friday folder is a contract we need all parents to sign about using this technology in school. Essentially, we want to make sure they are being responsible and safe using the Jeffco guest network. Also, these items are expensive and there is a risk in bringing them to school. Cell phones are considered an electronic device. Please have a discussion with your child, as we have done in our classrooms about these items.
Congratulations to our sixth grade Brain Bowl team last Saturday. They placed 12th out of 30 teams in the North Regional competition. It was a fun-filled Saturday with kids and parents.
Don’t forget Ken Caryl Middle School open house on Feb 2 5:30-7:30. This is for parents only.
See you at the Valentine’s Day party, or the science fair, or at conferences this month. Whew, busy month.
Mrs. Story, Mr. Lupo